Tip on Personalised Calendars
Custom giveaway calendars promise a year of fruitful advertising! Very few advertising giveaways can boast as much exposure potential as personalised calendars. These everyday items are for daily reference by design and become an integrated part of workplaces, homes and desks. Wall calendars, desktop calendars and pocket calendars all have specialized uses and applications, so you can fit your advertising intentions to your audience. Craft a direct mail campaign with calendar mailing envelopes. When sports season rolls around, sport schedule calendars take a fanatical approach to marketing!
Why Calendars
Because calendars are...
VisibleYour advert is always on view, never hidden in a drawer or briefcase. Your calendar will be gratefully received and displayed. |
EfficientYour marketing budget goes further, from a penny per day for each existing or prospective customer. |
TargetedReach your important audience, those who make the decisions essential to the success of your organisation. |
FrequentYour brand enjoys continual exposure from a prominent advert, seen every business day. |
- Bizpromo Limited