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Marketing News: Is your company ready for the year ahead?


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Is your company ready for the year ahead?
When it comes to marketing trends for 2020, plenty of articles have been published this month. We’ve had a read and below highlight a couple of easy to implement ideas that may help you market your organisation over the next 12 months.


Be personal
Because there have been so many advances in data collection and technology, business is about to get more personal. According to a survey, a staggering 80% of customers say that they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalised experience. Consider personalising your emails or website content to incorporate what you know about your customer.

With the explosion of smart speakers, you may be forgiven for thinking it’s all about ‘voice search’ – but for a larger share of voice, don’t forget the visual side of things. Research continues to show that people still prefer visual content to plain text. Try to bring your brand to life with a bold logo or use of eye-catching imagery; perhaps consider if the video could work for your organisation.

Update your content
We all know content is king, but the advice is don’t forget the content you’ve already published. Updating old content is a strategy that serves businesses well as Google has a freshness ranking factor. Updating your content can be a ‘quick win’ as well as an opportunity to repost blogs, surveys, infographics and more on your website and your social media accounts.

The Value of Experiential
It’s all about ‘meaningful connections’ according to Ivan Heredia, VP of Marketing at The Walt Disney Company, ‘I see an exciting movement in the experiential marketing space where authentic and innovative experiences are driving brand love.’ Could you hold an open day or have a presence at a local or national event?

Strategic Marketing Transformation
Put simply, this is about making sure your marketing goals and objectives align with the overall goals of your business. It’s a sort of ‘back to basics’ trend as marketing becomes more complicated and businesses may lose sight of its original purpose.

It’s a concept that says marketing strategy is no longer only the responsibility of the marketing department. Strategic marketing transformation recognises this and ensures that the brand, company reputation, customer relationships, and customer experience as a whole are considered in every business activity. Make sure this is on the agenda at your next team meeting.

Whatever marketing activities you choose to implement this year, we wish you all the very best!

Sources / Further Reading
10 Digital Marketing Trends You Need To Know For 2020, Marketing Insider Group.
The 16 Best Marketing Strategies to Try in 2020, B2C.
The 6 Marketing Trends That Will Drive Innovation in 2020, Adweek.

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